C e l e b r a n t
Pamela Sydney-Bussey
Member of the UK Society of Celebrants and The County Celebrants 01529 461354

You cannot mourn unless you have first loved.
(So it's OK to 'not be OK'')

"To say that you made the day of Julie's farewell itself so outstandingly brilliant ignores the fact that you were supportive, informative,, caring and wise. I simply cannot, and do not, want to imagine what the day would have been, without your presence and your words." Nick L
Celebration of Life
Green burials
If you have clicked on this page, then let me send you a virtual hug at this heart-breaking time.
At the end of someone's life, those left behind have work to do – at the very point when they themselves need support. Having to make decisions when heads are numb with grief and troubled with sad thoughts, is difficult.
Sometimes it is said that a death is 'a blessing’ for those who suffered, or for an older person 'it was the right time’. They are words we use when we love and lose, but at other times hearts are shattered and broken for those taken too young.
It is my job as a professional celebrant to listen to, and support, the grieving family by creating and leading a ceremony that reflects the life of the loved one who has died.
Let me tell the story and underline the love of family, and happy reflections of friends, as you celebrate that special life. A ceremony of love, that reflects everything you want and everything that is important to you. Thoughtful and caring content for the tears and smiles that will come - maybe even a few chuckles - but a script full of respect and comfort and a wonderful reflection of your loved one.
Your Independent, fully qualified celebrant for the East Midlands
T: 01529 461354
M: 074 69216050

A celebrant-led Celebration of Life can be held at a time that is right for you and offers an alternative to a standard church funeral (although it can include some religious content if it offers you comfort).
I am here for: cremations, interments, scattering of ashes, woodland burials or simple remembrances.
Please do contact me at any time of the day, so we can begin the journey together.